Investor Resources
Longevity Health For Executives
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We appreciate your interest in Marqi Health
Marqi Health is a health insurance company focused on providing better health outcomes for executives through access to preventative health.
We’ve compiled some information below that our investors may find helpful.
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Investor Resources
Preventative & Personalized
Longevity Health For Executives.
Our exclusive partnership with Human Longevity allows us to offer Longevity Health for Executives on a tax-free basis to enterprise companies.
Longevity Health for Executives is Human Longevity’s proprietary program, combining advanced technologies with a dedicated medical team to help executives achieve their healthiest life.
Human Longevity helps preempt disease and aids in maximizing health performance through genomics, blood biomarkers, and in-depth imaging.
Learn more about Human Longevity in this 2 minute video.