Marqi Health Inc
In 2000, the world watched as Craig Venter, a brilliant geneticist, sequenced the first human genome. It was the start of the genomic revolution with the vision that one-day healthcare will be able to have data-driven precision-based personalized medicine that can not only intervene but also eliminate cancers and major diseases.
In 2013, Human Longevity was founded with half a billion dollars by Craig Venter, who currently sits on our Scientific Advisory Board. Starting as a research project, Human Longevity has now become a full-encompassing health center under the direction of renowned Longevity Entrepreneur Wei-Wu He.
As one of the original scientists that worked on the human genome with Craig Venter, Dr. He wanted to bring to fruition the genomic revolution and the future of proactive healthcare.
With 2,000 members in the headquarter San Diego, Human Longevity has opened two more sites in San Francisco and Beijing. Seven other locations around the world have been mapped for the next five years.
Marqi Health was founded by Xavier Serrano, Wei-Wu He (Chairman of Human Longevity and ETP Ventures) James Hu and Dafne Canales. Marqi’s partnership with our sister company, Human Longevity, allows us to offer exclusive access to longevity health - preventive and personalized care.
Innovation to Level-up Longevity Health in the Workplace
Kaiser Family Foundation calculations show that American life expectancy is 6.2% or 4 years less than the average of the rest of the developed world (1), yet our health expenditures are 36.2% higher - the highest in the world (2).
Reviews of current measures of our healthcare system’s quality suggest that while the overall quality of healthcare in the U.S. is improving in many areas, it still lags behind other comparable countries on a number of key measures, and the gap in health outcomes seems to be growing (3).
That’s similar to saying “the worse you perform at your job, the more you'll get paid.”
Proactive, empowered, and personalized healthcare
At Marqi Health and Human Longevity, we’re flipping the healthcare model upside down, instead of waiting to look at how to help someone AFTER symptoms arrive.
We’re providing access to proactive, empowered, and personalized healthcare - we call it longevity care.
Dr Craig Venter, Human Longevity’s founder, calls it extending your “lifespan” - the healthy part of your life.
1. Kaiser Family Foundation calculations using NHE data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group, and Bureau of Economic Analysis.
2. Eric C. Schneider et al., Mirror, Mirror 2021 —Reflecting Poorly: Health Care in the U.S. Compared to Other High-Income Countries (Commonwealth Fund, Aug. 2021).
Specializing in access to longevity health for the workplace
2. Executive Longevity Care
Longevity for executives is available through company-sponsored benefits, tax deductible for companies, and tax-free for employees.
Marqi Health facilitates access to longevity resources in partnership with our sister company, Human Longevity, to provide personalized presidential-caliber executive health programs that have previously only been available to the world’s elite.
The 100+ Precision Executive Physical is Human Longevity’s proprietary program, combining advanced technologies with a dedicated medical team to help executives achieve their healthiest life.
The annual precision health assessment at Human Longevity is powerfully informed by the executive’s genomics, blood biomarkers, and in-depth imaging. Longevity physicians, experts in interpreting large data sets, provide pre-symptomatic diagnoses and treatments based on each person’s unique data, to help preempt disease and aid in maximizing health performance.
Employee Longevity Care
Longevity 360 is a personalized longevity health app designed to make healthcare proactive, accessible, and fun.
Leveraging the latest wearable and biomarker technology, we designed our program using a structured curriculum, supported by unlimited longevity coaching, to create sustainable results.
Medically approved and designed by world-leading health professionals, Longevity 360 is now available for the workplace.
Tailored Longevity Solutions for the Workplace
“Proactive, Predictive, and Personalized Health - down to your last gene.
Get to any areas of concern before they become a problem.”